Official PASTEWARE Terms of Service

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Forum Administator (Don't PM)
Staff member

1. Refund Policy
To assure customer satisfaction, we guarantee a full refund when you purchase our software, but are unable to inject/load it despite seeking support from Administration/Community, explaining your issue and attempting all possible solutions. If at any time you are able to load and use Pasteware, the refund guarantee is voided and we reserve full rights to approve or deny your refund request at our discretion. Any refund requests past the expiration of the purchased subscription, as well as requests regarding bans or personal/compatibility issues will be left at our discretion and likely dismissed. Instead, you may ask to have your subscription frozen, exchanged or extended for any downtime caused by issues on our end.

2. PayPal Disputes
We have a system in place that will freeze your subscription if a dispute associated with the purchase of our software is open on PayPal. Your subscription will be automatically resumed when you close the dispute. If you have issues with our software, please reach out on Discord via ticket or create a forum thread explaining the issue. We will always do our best and work with you to find a solution as long as you are willing to communicate. If you refuse to talk to us and get help in order to resolve your concern, we will reply to the dispute and you risk losing your subscription and funds based on your usage logs and our ToS guidelines. See more details in 3.8 - Rules & Conditions bullet point below.

3. Rules & Conditions
We reserve the right to terminate your subscription and/or disable your account at our discretion, with no refunds, if you are found breaking any of the following Rules:

3.1 Leaking/debugging • Sharing or debugging any of modules/executable is strictly prohibited and will result in permanent ban.
3.2 Invitation/account selling • Selling invitation codes or personal Pasteware accounts are strictly prohibited. You will get banned and risk getting your referral banned as well.
3.3 Subscription transfers Selling or transferring your subscription to a different person/friend is strictly prohibited. Our HWID reset system will automatically detect and report any attempted subscription transfers and your reset request will be denied and blacklisted from making any future requests. If you manage to deceive our system and successfully transfer your subscription, your account may also be banned.
3.4 Scamming/fraud • Attempting any sort of scam involving our website/products will result in a permanent ban.
3.5 Undermining Undermining our software, whether it is on our website, our discord or public servers is not tolerated and can result in a termination of your account or removal of your permissions to communicate on the community. Discussions regarding bugs/glitches and bans are permitted as long as they consist of useful insights to help resolve/determine the issue at hand. Baseless flaming and negativity will only lead to a mute/kick/ban. Any disrespect towards any of our staff will also result in an immediate termination of your account.
3.6 Advertising • Advertising any third party software/services on our platforms is strictly prohibited. You may ask for permission to advertise your own products/services as long as it doesn't involve other cheating software. Discussion of alternative services is a grey area and could, under circumstances, fall under the advertising category and your ability to communicate could be restricted.
3.7 Duplicate accounts • Only 1 account per computer is allowed. Creating multiple accounts, especially to circumvent a ban is strictly prohibited and will get all of your accounts permanently banned. If you wish to buy a subscription for a friend, please use the gift option on the Subscriptions page instead of logging in to their account.
3.8 Disputes/Chargebacks • As already stated in the refund policy, our refund guarantee only applies if you are unable to load the cheat despite contacting support, explaining the issue and attempting all solutions that we've offered. This does not apply if you haven't contacted support, or haven't explained your issue. This also does not apply if you've been able to use the software and have a new concern, unless it is critical and cannot be resolved. The vast majority of problems are very simple can be easily solved by our support. If you open an unwarranted dispute and haven't met the refund eligibility, you can expect to lose your subscription and funds.
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